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#SeizeTheDay - Raise the profile of Drama in schools & Theatre for children & young People.
20th-27th March 2024.

What is Seize The Day?

Drama in schools and theatre for young audiences are facing numerous challenges  but we are committed to ensuring that every child and young person has access to high quality drama and theatre education regardless of their background or where they live.

We know that children and young people that engage in drama and theatre feel happier, more confident  and  creative and perform better in all subjects but we  need decision makers, government, MPs and school governors  to understand the value of drama and theatre education.

In March 2023, the DTEA co-ordinated 88 events led by schools, theatre companies and practitioners, who invited their local MP and press to visit them and witness their experience.


We are expanding our campaign for 2024 with a weeks worth of events across the UK in schools and theatres, featuring performances, workshops and more with children and young people.

Kindergarten Show
What is Seize The Day?
Children in Classroom
Drama and Theatre with children and young people matters!

"Children need to go to the theatre as much as they need to run about in the fresh air. They need to hear real music played by real musicians on real instruments as much as they need food and drink. They need to read and listen to proper stories as much as they need to be loved and cared for. 

The difficulty with persuading grown-up people about this is that if you deprive children of shelter and kindness and food and drink and exercise, they die visibly; whereas if you deprive them of art and music and story and theatre, they perish on the inside, and it doesn't show.” 

Sir Philip Pullman

Get Involved

You don't have to do anything special - just do whatever it is you do best, but invite your local MP, councillors, and press to experience it with you!


You could:

  • Run a drama class or workshop, perhaps with a visiting practitioner,

  • Stage a short performance by children and young people,

  • Hold a cross curricular drama project in a school,

  • Deliver a drama-centred assembly,

  • Stage youth theatre performance in a local theatre or community setting,

  • Stage a student production, a work in progress, a rehearsal, or extract of a project in a university, perhaps with a local school invited to attend

  • Stage a professional performance with school audiences in a theatre school, library or community setting.

Whatever you do, shout about it!
  • Film it, photograph it, document the event.

  • Interview those who take part and those who watch - get them to tell you why drama and theatre is important and the impact it has had on them.

  • Read our sample press release, create your own, and share it, along with our manifesto, with your local press, MP, councillors and school govornors.

Performing Art Class
Children and Teacher in Kindergarten
Invite your MP, Councillors, Governors, and local Press!

Running an event is one thing, telling people about it is essential, especially anyone who has any influence in what is taught in your school!

This is your opportunity to share your experience, of the journey the children and young people have been on, how drama and theatre has impacted them and the potitive effects it has had.

We need decision makers to witness this, to appreciate the value of drama and theatre in education, and to recognise the wider effect it has on schools and communities, so invite your MP, mayor, councillors, school governors, parents, and local press - anyone who influences how much drama and theatre is done for children and young people.

Find your MP here and invite them to visit you to experience your event.

Don't forget to tell us about it too!

  1. Register your interest in hosting an event here.

  2. Check whether your MP has been invited.

  3. If your MP is not listed, Invite them to your event. Use this link to find your local MP.

  4. View our template invitation letter in Microsoft word or PDF. We recommend getting the children and young people you work with to help adapt this invitation.

  5. Invite your local newspaper or radio station.

  6. Post about your event on social media and in newsletters to your community. See our sample social posts template in Microsoft Word or PDF, and use the #SeizeTheDay.

  7. Review the NGA & ACE Guidance for School Governors on the teaching of Drama in schools and share throughout your school community

  8. Use our sample invitation letter to MPs, Governors, etc

  9. Read our #SeizeTheDay campaign briefing note for schools.

  10. Download and print the Drama, Theatre and Young People Manifesto and petition to hand to your MP 
  11. Film the event and send it to us via We Transfer or similar platforms. Please seek the permission of parents of any children filmed.

  12. Whether your MP or local press are able to attend or not, please share videos, photos, participant and audience testimony to them in lieu of a personal visit.

  13. Let us know how it went.

Childrens Show
Press Release and More
Coverage from Seize The Day 2022-23

Registered Partners:

88 schools participated in 2023. We hope to incease this in 2024, so please register below!

  1. Arden Theatre: Something else

  2. Ashton Park School: Run a workshop

  3. Bancrofts School: Deliver a class

  4. Beaumont School: Stage a performance

  5. Bellerive FCJ Catholic College: Stage a performance

  6. Bishop Douglass School: Run a workshop

  7. Brampton Manor Academy (secondary school): Teach a class

  8. Brave Bold Drama: Run a workshop

  9. Bristol Cathedral Choir School: Not sure

  10. Bristol Old Vic: Stage a performance

  11. Carshalton High School for Girls: Something else

  12. Castle Hall Academy: Not sure

  13. Chestnut Grove Academy: Stage a performance

  14. Coombe Boys' School: Stage a performance

  15. Curve Theatre: Run a workshop

  16. Digital Theatre+: Something else

  17. Dragon's Stage School: Teach a class

  18. Doorstep Arts: Run a workshop

  19. Education - State: Stage a performance

  20. Farnborough College of Technology: Stage a performance

  21. Fourth Monkey Actor Training Company: Stage a performance

  22. Furze Platt Senior School: Not sure

  23. Go Live Theatre Projects: Run a workshop

  24. Gosfield School: Something else

  25. High View Primary School, Wallington: Deliver a class

  26. King Edward VI Upper School: Not sure

  27. LAMDA: Run a workshop

  28. Leeds Children's Theatre: Stage a performance

  29. Mayflower Theatre & MAST Mayflower Studio's: Run a workshop

  30. National Youth Theatre: Run a workshop

  31. New International Encounter Theatre (NIE): Stage a performance

  32. Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy: Run a Workshop

  33. Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy: Stage a performance

  34. Paignton Academy: Stage a performance

  35. Penwortham Priory Academy: Stage a performance

  36. Plympton Academy: Stage a performance

  37. Rainham Mark Grammar School: Stage a performance

  38. Redruth School: Stage a performance & something else

  39. Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama: Not sure

  40. Samantha Marsden: Something else

  41. Somerset Youth Theatre cic: Stage a performance

  42. Southern Regional College: Not sure

  43. Southwark Playhouse: Run a workshop

  44. Speech Bubbles CIO: Not sure

  45. St. George's Catholic School: Run a workshop

  46. St James’s CE High school Bolton: Stage a performance

  47. St Thomas More School: Stage a performance

  48. Starlight: Not sure

  49. The Arts Centre, Hounslow: Not sure

  50. The Maelor School: Run a workshop

  51. The Marlborough Science Academy: Stage a performance

  52. The Perse School: Stage a performance

  53. RYTC Creatives CIC: Run a workshop

  54. The Talent Shack CIC: Stage a performance

  55. Theatre Workout: Running multiple workshops in the West End, Stratford-Upon-Avon & in schools

  56. Townley Grammar School: Deliver a class

  57. Travelling Light Theatre Company: Stage a performance

  58. University of Bristol, Department of Theatre: Stage a performance

  59. University of Lincoln: Run a workshop

  60. Unleashed Theatre Company: Run a workshop

  61. Victory Academy: Stage a performance

  62. We Teach Drama: Something else

Children Singing in a Choir
Register interest Seize The Day

Register your interest

Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!

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